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crafting slots dissapearing


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i recently made a post asking about why one of my tabs for items was missing( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3589095-ssex-and-homemakers-mod-incompatible/ ) and as some of you who have informed me, i thank you and will pass this on. basically what happens is once you install too many crafting or home making mods, the vanilla slots for tabs runs out, and in doing so pushes others out to fit what you have recently installed into the tab. they aren't deleted, but we cannot see them. now i would like to know; is there a patch out yet? anything out to expand the vanilla code slots so we can see the missing tabs? if so please comment, thanks!

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I'm not following it closely, but last I've heard about it was in that comment section. It doesn't really look like the kind of problem that's going to be fixed anytime soon, tbh -- there's just too many unknowns without the creation kit available. I mean, it's not impossible that someone might work it out before then, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


Your best bet for finding out how things are going on that front is probably just keeping an eye on the affected mods. If someone figures something out, those mod authors will no doubt be the first to talk about it.

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