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How to use a custom enchantment on a weapon in ck?


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I want to use an existing enchantment from a weapon mod on another weapon mod. Does anyone know how to do that in creation kit?


I have downloaded the 'sabers swords' mod from nexus but I did not like the appearance. I do like the powers that come with it, but I can only cast them if I'm wielding one of those swords. Any idea how to remove that requierment or how to make it so that I can use another weapon with that power?


Saber swords: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13929/?


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Unfortunately I'm too busy to pull apart the mod on my own at the moment, but I can give my $0.02. From what you are saying, it seems that you've figured out that the swords' powers come from an enchantment. If this is true, its only a matter of time before attaching it to your weapon. If you wish to attach it to a weapon specifically, you can go into the weapon's properties in ck and assign the enchantment to it. This will most likely work, unless there are conditions preventing its use on that weapon. Basically you'll need to follow down the chain through each element of the enchantment, as any step along the way may contain conditions. An enchantment is always linked to a magic effect, so I would start there. But I would give it the jury rig attempt I mentioned above before going any further.


Hope this helped

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