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Perk System and S.P.E.C.I.A.L System Changes


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So yeah, the thread name says all.


Overall the goal of such a mod is to force players go a different way every playtrough, and TAKING possibilities, so there is a reason to play trough again with a more focused Character on Speech and Intelligence next time, avoiding battles, instead of a brute blowing s*** up and beat everyone up, more of in the manner of previous Fallout games.


Including some ideas:


- After S.P.E.C.I.A.L points are spent, there is no way to increase them during the game anymore (making the decision definite, except finding those comics maybe), which would make the companion you take with you more important aswell. This results in less characters that can do everything super good, and asks for different approaches to continue (or leaving that darn safe locked because you're a pro at hacking but suck at lockpicking etc.)


- Overall Changes to the speech system. New possibilities (taunting/conveincing?) aswell as changing the


"speech checks from random chance for success"




"Check Player Str/Cha/Int Value higher/lower than needed Str/Cha/Int Value", creating Barriers.


Similar stuff for Lockpicking or Hacking (like failing 3 times = locked forever, except its the only way to go in the main story)


- Any more ideas?

Edited by TBagBackkolle
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