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These probably need a GECK/F4CK...


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Bow and Arrow (not usable in Power Armour).


Sword and Shield (for Power Armour).


I recognise that both would probably require the GECK, so I'm not expecting anyone to suddenly say "oh yeah, it's on its way!" I'm just making a little request, for a mod, on the mod request forum.


Also... arrow variants? I'm thinking similar to the syringer. Though also some explosive arrow-heads (mini-nuke arrow-head anyone?)


Oh, and recently someone reminded me of Outlaw Star, an anime that featured a gun that fired magic bullets, so... yeah, one of those would be awesome too :D


Some extra aesthetic features for PAs would be welcome too, maybe a cloak attachment, or chainmail, or a fancy helmet design that adds a plume or a mohawk. Anything that would make my PA'd character look like a steampunk knight in shining armour.


Anything else I can think of is just stuff from Skyrim. Maybe some elegant dresses to balance against the flood of super-skimpy outfits currently dominating the nexus? Especially now that the base game has some decent looking cloth physics.


Oh, and more hair.


Thanks in advance :D

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