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BOS Uniform mesh fix

Mr Hand

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So after finally getting the set that I had been aspiring to for most of the game, I found out that the mesh for wrist armor worn with the BOS uniform underarmor is distorted. It seems to think that the wrist for the BOS uniform is much wider than it actually is, which results in an excessively wide wrist armor that just looks weird and is a bit distracting and takes away from the sleek look of the rest of the get up.


Normally arm armor conforms to the wrist shape to some degree, causing a nice streamlined look



Unfortunately with the BOS uniform this happens, causing a bell effect on the sleeve of the armor



The "bell sleeve" effect is even worse with leather armor




I'm not sure if this would be an easy mesh edit, or if it is something that can even really be fixed. Either way, I would really appreciate anything that could be done.

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