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Real Time Mod Compatability & Dependency Checking...


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This is a suggestion more aligned with the Mod Managers [NMM and MO] than a mod itself...


For very good reasons, some of the mods that we might want to use either have a dependency upon another mod, or may be incompatible with one or more other mods. At the moment, players are reliant upon a mod author making these facts clear in a Mod Description page. Unfortunately, some mod authors like to write pages and pages of text with their mods and can occasionally bury this sort of key information...


So my suggestion is that when packaging a mod into a tarball, how about including a couple of extra files, let's call them "Dependencies.xml" and "Conflicts.xml". These two files will contain the Mod Identifiers of any other mods on which this specific mod has a dependency and/or a known clash...


When a user selects a mod for installation, rather than getting the pop-up message via the Nexus web site, could we rely upon the Mod Manager itself to perform the safety checks for us?


Something similar to this happens today with operating systems like GNU/Linux, in which the popular package management tools [such as "apt"] will check a new package and automatically resolve any dependencies that it might have.


Deciding how far to take this is up for examination... For example, suppose I want to add a mod that has a dependency I do not have installed. Could we ask the Mod Manager to figure this out, pull in the extra mod, and then correctly sequence them to resolve the dependency? This would combine aspects of LOOT-style determination with core mod management...


Just a thought...

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