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Strong: needs to be able to equip gatling laser


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OK, so Strong has a very weird set of equipment he can handle.

he can handle a gatling GUN... but not a gatling laser?

what is different about Strong that he can't, while the other companions can?

a lot of the time, I think Beth tossed Strong in there late in development, and never really tested him much.

anywho, this is a request for either a mod to make it so Strong can equip anything a supermutant should be able to equip (short of human armor and power armor).

if not, maybe someone can point me to which values to look at in FOedit and I'll do it myself.

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...OK, so in playing around with the assignment data for NPCs, it turns out that who can wield what appears to be entirely determined by their RACE value assignment. If you assign that value as "human" to Strong, then he can wield any weapon. Of course, then his body (everything but his head!) turns into a human one. So, looks like the values for what can be wielded by whom are in the race attributes. unfortunately, nothing I see in there seems an obvious choice to modify (many values are still unknowns to FOedit).

...but at least I know where to look now.

If anyone has any feedback on editing race values, I'd appreciate it.

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