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The Ultimate Fight Experience - Slowmotion


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First of all: sry for my bad english XD



Dear Nexus Mods Community,



Why can't someone create a mod which sets time into slowmotion before you die?


I think it would give us an awesome fight experience because you can use your archer skills before you die (That's an example)!


I would definately combine this mod with locational damage because you can make quick instant kills (with headshots) at a huge amount of enemies in a short time and protect yourself better from


enemies' attacks. This slowmotion would take 15 or less seconds.


I think those kills would have looked awesome too. :D






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In Grimys Enchanted Loot Overhaul is an enchantment, which gives you a slowtime-effect for 10 seconds when your health drops below 20% or something like that.
Actually I think it would be quite easy, to do such a mod, I open up CK and see what I can do :)

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