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Arch Mage Robes 2.0


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Don't you think that the arch mage robe is a bit inperfect in skyrim? I've been looking for a mod that replaces it for a better version, but it seems that there is nothing in in the nexus mod database that fits to my notion. So I try to make a requst here in the forum, maybe a friendly soul likes my ideas, and starts to work on it. I would really appreciate it.


So that are my ideas for the Arch Mage Robe:


- make it more powerful (a bit more than the master robes), but keep it balanced. There is already a mod for it that changes the attributes in a good way: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4427/?


- seperate the hood from the robe, and make it to an extra item (Arch Mage Hood). Buff it a bit more than the Master Hoods.


- remove the clipping issues with the "Cloaks of Skyrim" mod. Maybe add an extra Arch Mage Cloak. Or seperate the poncho from the existing robe model and make it avalible as a cloak. The cloak could have a magic resistence/ward buff enchantment.


What do you think?

Edited by dddreck
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AMRCI - Alternate offers both hooded and hoodless versions craftable between each other, as well as unenchanted craftable versions.


The Alternate esp improves the base robes to 20% cost reduction. (base is 15%, the master robes have 22% for a single school)


I can't help with the clipping issue unless someone can get me an edited model with the cloak separated. I don't deal in models.

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