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Help requested from experienced spell modders


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I'm trying to create a standalone spell. I have the basics but I lack the knowledge of papyrus to get the magic effect required. (This is my very first time even using Creation Kit, I had to start out with a complicated one :pinch:)


Basically my spell is as such:

  • Spell Name: Transmute to Gold
  • School/Level: Alteration Duel Casting (2 handed spell, 5 second cast time)
  • Type: On Target
  • Cost: (No Idea. Whatever you guys think is balanced. I figured around 150 - 200 mana. Discuss?)
  • Function: Cast on a chest, converts all the items inside into gold to the amount their combined value x ([Caster Alteration Level] + 20) / 100
  • Daily Power: If it was a daily power it would stop people from simply converting items to gold while out adventuring as and when they find them. This might not be a bad thing, but it's something to consider.

I believe this would be a fairly balanced spell as for lower level characters it would be similar to simply selling the items inside (with the benefit of not having to faff around you could just fill up a chest and cast it every now and then after multiple adventures to get a massive influx of gold when you need it), later on it would be a rewarding reason to level alteration, as it would give 120% of an items value back as gold, quickly gaining the dragonborn LOADSA MONEYYYY quite a bit of coin, while simultaneously removing massive amounts of hassle.

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