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Couple Things


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Hey guys, some of you might know me from other... ahem, places.


I have some questions about Morrowind. I have some massive loading issues with the game. The FPS is generally fine, as I have the FPS optimizer, the latest patch and my computer stats is as follows:

-P4 1.8ghz


-120gig+ HDD

-Geforce4 FX 5600 <--- 256meg

yet i still get this horrid loading times when going from interior to exterior. It's really weird because even with the graphics turned up i get playable framerates, but even turning the graphics down STILL gets me crap loading. Basically, I need to know what's happening. I'm tired of the 5 second delay detween hitting "spacebar" and the NPC dialouge popping up. I'm tired of the 30 second loads between exts. and ints.

please help!




What's the best mod/plug-in out there? Which one supplies the most immersion, good story, cool weapons, etc...


Let me know! THANKS :D



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To improve loading times try changing following lines in the Morrowind.ini ->


I use:

Interior Cell Buffer=64

Exterior Cell Buffer=128


With your huge RAM I guess you could make them even bigger, like 256 and 128 respectively.


I hope it helps ;)

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Thanks, that did help, but only a little bit. I'm still having questionable framerates when i turn the view distance up, but when I turn it down it's fine, yet it DOES look like Tuork: Dinosaur Hunter (a game FAMED because of it's excessive fog).


There's still the delay between menus. It's strange, because I've never had these problems before! <_<


Anything else you can tell me, like the little tweaks you gave would be much appreciated.



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