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Premise: I'm Italian so I may make a few mistakes.


May seems like an odd request, but I really wanted a tomahawk-like one handed axe in the game that didn't look like the ACIII one (like THIS one, which is nice but rather... shallow).

Playing on the 360 again (I'm going to have a new gaming PC soon) I've noticed that the Dwarven War Axe's model kinda (very kinda) looks like a Tomahawk... But of course the texture is completely different.

But a while ago I've found a dude on the Nexus that put a copule of Axes 3D models (just models, not mods) on the Nexus.




One of them is small enough but need to be retextured. It isn't, like, a real Tomahawk, but I can... let's say roleplay... Yeah that's the perfect word.

Anyone who could make a mod that adds this Axe as a one-handed Tomahawk, with texture, and possibly a couple of feathers attached, would be my hero. He would be even more heroish if he could add, like... A "throwable" version, but maybe that's asking too much.

To make this mod all you need to do is giving credit to the dude up there.


There are also a couple of mods that... May work. Like, I can pretend they're Tomahawks too, and they wouldn't require further work (they're already there on the Nexus). The reason I'm requesting this is because I wanted more options possible so that I could choose by looking at the weapons in-game.

These are the two mods (the second doesn't really look like a Tomahawk, but whatever):




One further note, I plan to use SkyRe in my next playthrough. Don't know if it requires something extra to work.


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