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UI/Graphic Mod: Remove green overlay from items in crafting stations


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I would really love a FO4 mod that will remove the green overlay from items in the crafting windows.

It annoys me so much, that I can not see the color and/or material changes that certain weapon and armor mods create before I craft it, exit that part and hover over something else so the overlay disappears.

For example I want to see the paints on power armor, the different colors of armor materials or the small details a different receiver on guns might have etc.

Please can anybody make that happen?


Kind regards


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Yeah, i seccond this. Its just ugly and useless. :down: But if you set in fallout.ini bPipboyDisableFX=1 under [Pipboy] then that green-ish blur in your inventory is gone, so there must be a way to remove that also in craftingmenus? I haven't found any way yet but i search everyday. I find it also werry strange, that so few are finding this a problem? The preview is a useful tool, if it shows the real icon without any green layers.


Any good modder up for a challenge? :dance:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would also like this. I have found a record in FO4edit under Layer called workshopPOILayer, which I don't know how to disable/modify cause I'm a noob. there is also an entire section, VATS, in fallout4prefs.ini which has RGB values for things like fModMenuEffectColor, but they don't seem to affect anything, not even if I delete them and set the inis to read only. Maybe someone more capable than me can take a look.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another supporter for this idea... I feel like slamming my forehead on the keyboard every time I go through the crafting benches and power armor racks with this annoying overlay blocking the item visuals, *especially* when I'm making aesthetic changes/upgrades. Would love if someone could create a mod to remove it.

Edited by PhoenixKnight13
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I started new game on survival difficulty so i finally had to use power armour. And i found it impossible to paint it, because instead of paintjob i see just ugly green overlay.... like WTF, what were they thinking? lol... so yeah, i absolutelly support this idea!

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