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Problem using Npatch with fps optimizer


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I just recently downloaded the latest version of the fps optimizer in order to use the npatch feature. I went into my video settings and turned TRUFORM on and tried playing morrowind. everytime I attempt to play with NPATCH enabled the game locks up within seconds, and I am forced to reboot. I've read some stuff on the forums about the new catalyst drivers not being very good, so I tried rolling back to 3.7, but there was absolutely no difference. Any ideas on how I could get this to work would be appreciated.
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Don't. Truform does nothing but add view-obscuring spikes to everything in the game... At least for me. As for the driver issue, if you've gotten the 3.8 drivers to actually work on your system, then congratulations -- you're the one.


Oh, and to clear up some confusion you seem to be having, with ATI cards, it's called Truform. Only with nVidia cards is it called N-Patch.

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Ok thanks I'll just keep it off in that case


Ive got one other question:

In my video settings under the options for both direct3D and openGL truform is set to off instead of application preference for the default balanced performance. Is there signifigant reason for this? Does using TRUFORM cause slowdown?

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its actually anti-ailising from what i remember, just turn it on through your video card setting (through windows) and everything will be fine.

but im only assuming its truform because whenever my friend turns it on, it removes the jagged edges, but he has a 9700 pro, so its on 6x......looks amazing too.




theres a good chance im wrong about the Anti Alising, from what i can gather from the forum link, it rounds off everything....although, it probably drains the memory since it would have to redraw everything in morrowind to the smallest detail...

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