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Mod to make your character do certain animations on command


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I was playing a new character today, and I came across a problem. I was taking a short cut, namely going directly to the exit of the first dungeon you could go through. Problem, you can only open it from the other side. Solution, use console commands to go through it and open it from there. However, I thought that if my character could do that animation that the guy from the thieves quests does, to open that door where you normally need a claw to open? You know what I'm talking about?


Well, if my character could do that animation, I could pretend that he opened it that way. Anyway, I don't think anything of the sort already exists. I took a look with the search function with 'animations' but I didn't find anything. Perhaps it has a different name (if) it exists.


So... Does this already exist and if not, is it a good idea for someone to make it? I am totally worthless when it comes to modding, so if someone thinks this may be a good idea, I would be eternally grateful if this person would actually make it.



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Is that the only mod that does what I want it to do? Because this tool is more of a tool for modders I think. It's not what I was looking for. I was more looking for, something along the lines of, cast a spell which then forces your character to do x animation or forces to do a npc to do Y animation. Is that even possible?

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As I said, the SPELL portion of that mod allows you to do exactly that. Cast a spell, choose animation from list, forced upon player (or others).


Cast spell, choose from list, forced on player.


There are also other mods that branch off of that. It is technically more of a requirement for other animation-based stuff. And would likely be required for your exact request anyway.

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