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Looking for a texture artist.


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I've come to the point in my mod where I think I need some outside assistance in the form of texture work. I have some models created, but don't have any good textures to use on them. As most sites offering textures disallow editing or redistribution (kinda defeats the point of the site really) and how I'd still end up having to double my meshing work load (creating more complicated meshes to get the textures right, then creating less complicated meshes to apply those textures to) I'm hoping that having someone willing to do some textures will solve the problem and probably even make the models look better.


The actual work at this point involves taking a UVW for the structure, and texturing it. As the case is, this wouldn't be a simple recolor of the texture, as there wouldn't be much to start with. I do however try to use some of the default textures to get an idea, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. At any rate, most of the materials would probably be stone with various inlays and transitions (around arches and corners). If I get a few people interested, I could probably send you a model to texture, just to get an idea of your abilities are. As the color scheme for my mod hasn't been decided, anyone interested would be able to supply their own ideas.


I'm still in the early stages of my mod, so don't have much information to give you. Needless to say, I am working on creating a fairly unique tile set for a city. Even if I fail in making that city I would still be uploading the models as a resource for others to use.


If you are interested, please PM me through these forums. You may use the textures provided as part of a portfolio of your work, but I would prefer to retain the release rights to both the meshes and textures so that they can be shared with the community.

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Still need the texture artist.


But also could use someone to help coordinate the mod and plan the areas, and someone to check the story against lore (sorry Spyron, I needed something a bit more).

http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?showtopic=35586 (linked thread explaining briefly what I want to do)


As I really can't do anything without some assistance, I may have to drop the idea entirely, considder it a total failure, and look for something else to do. I don't need any help with scripting or even world building yet, but if I don't know how to arrange the models and stuff, I can't really finalize anything. Unfortunately I havn't had much luck deciding on this stuff on my own, even with help of reference images. So in order to help me decide how it's going to look, and force me to keep going, I'd thought of recruiting someone.

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  • 1 month later...
Perhaps i can help (with the textures)...

Yeah, too bad the mod idea fell apart and I no longer have the time needed to do anything with it. Thanks for the offer, I'll be sure to toss any future projects your way if you're interested.

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