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Hearthfire problems


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I've been trying for hours to get Lakeview to build. I don't have birds and flocks, nor any mod that creates spawn points or alters terrain.


The quest marker stays on the drafting table no matter what steps I take after selecting the small house. I can build the entire house and not see a thing. There are no npcs withing a moderate range of the location, no wildlife, no items, nothing.


Mods are as follows:




UHP (doesn't work whether activated or deactivated)

Climates of Tamriel


SMIM - no Dragonborn

Enhanced Lights and Effects

ELFXEnhancer (for above mod)

Wet and Cold

Sounds of Skyrim

Pelts in High Demand

More arrows

Angi's Camp


Achieve that

Climates of Tamriel Nights Level 5

Unread Books Glow

Lore Based Loading Screen

Bring out your dead

Dynamic merchants

Dibella's Compulsion

Artifact Disenchanting

FormsEdit (for above mod)

Humans drop human parts

Powdered mammoth tusk

Jarrin root


Mine Vendors


Harvest more food and ingredients

Counterfeit gold crafting

More Snow Windy

Real Shelter

RS Patch

Barenziah quest markers


I've built Heljarchen sucessfully without issue. I'm about to pull my hair out here. What can I do? Thanks in advance.

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