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RPG Style Follower Menu


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Here's an Idea I've had for ages, and after trawling the nexus and other mod sites, have come to the conclusion that it doesn't exist yet.


What I'm envisioning is an RPG style menu to manage your followers, possibly instead of EFF or other follower mods, or alongside them, your choice.


The mod would be able to do the following:


1) Accessible via the Mod Manager Menu in game

2) In a similar style to famous RPG games such as the "Final Fantasy" or "Tales of" Franchises.

3) Have up to two followers out with you at any one time

4) have a list of up to twenty "Reserve" followers that you can swap out anywhere in the map

5) Ability to access all party members inventory from the menu

6) Show stats of party members (such as health, possibly level etc?)


As well as other possibilities such as:


1) Ability to set it so that the follower's in your party auto switch with ones in your reserve randomly whenever you swap map area (finally solving the "too crowded but i want these awesome followers with me" problem)

2) If one of your party members goes down due to damage (dies if you play that way) gets auto replaced by reserve member


All these ideas would require some clever modding, but given the mods available thus far, I'm sure someone has the skills to do this. I myself don't know the first thing about modding, hence why I'm not even sure if this is possible


If anyone feels they want to try this out, please let me know. Likewise, If you want further details about my idea, also feel free to say so




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