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Modding Nightmare Please Help


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I have been modeling swords with 3d max, they come out beautiful, I place textures on them, but when I place them in the game they appear purple ,here it is http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/4526/screenshot0od3.png Ive read so many tutorials and searched forums and websites about texturing, and none have helped me figure out whats going on, and to add insult to injury, I CANT PICK THEM UP EITHER!!! I just look at them with a bloody rage wanting to destroy something. If anyone can help me fix this problem, or direct me to a tutorial about texturing my models and properly adding them to Oblivion that isn't written by some guy who skips steps in the process, I will be eternally grateful, and will start sharing these great weapons with all of you. Keep in mind I'm a noob at modding, thank you in advance!
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I believe there's a check box somewhere that makes it like that, but I'm not an expert. Try playing around with the options.
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The reason you can't do anything with them is probably because you made them static objects.


You need to go to items -> weapons, and right click in there (or any sub-category), and choose 'new', to make them as weapons. You then choose either 'Bladeonehand' or 'Bladetwohand' from the 'Type' Drop-down list, depending on whether you want them to be one or two handed weapons. For the textures, you should go into nifskope and check whether you can view them in there.

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I don't think the nif exporters export max's textures, just the UV co-ordinates.


Open the model up in Nifskope, is the texture showing on it in that program? If not apply the textures by clicking on the purple flower looking icon in the texture branch.


As for collision make sure that there is a collision mesh in Nifskope as well. I usually copy one from bethsoft's existing nif files.


one other thing is that you need to have the normal map named (texture-name)_n.dds in the same folder as the diffuse map *.dds otherwise the texture won't show.


another thing it could be is make sure you bring the model into the construction set as a weapon... not a prop.


If all of what I have mentioned is fine it's probably that you have the mesh as a static object, like mentioned above. That is all i can think it could be for now... I'm sure there are many more obscure reasons for it.. what fun it is modding for blivy ;)

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Ok, it seems I didn't have a collision mesh with my model, Ive been looking through tutorials about it, there dosent seem to be any that explain clearly step by step how to make a collision mesh or UV map my models properly, many assume the reader is an experienced modder. I am familiar with 3dsmax, and my weapons always come out great, but the process that comes after making the model, the mapping, texturing, and placing in Oblivion as a playable weapon is proving to be a serious pain. Im up to my neck in awesome sword and axe models and I cant do jack with them. I have over 40 mods installed in oblivion, all are outstanding additions to an already awesome game, I would love to be one of the people who bring them to life. I know most of you guys are experienced and talented modders, If theres any noob-friendly resources or knowledge of the process after modeling that you have, please share them with me. And thank you for your replies so far, I came to this forum hoping there would be some cool people who would help me, I wasn't mistaken, so thank you. If it helps any, these are the programs I own that apply to my quest for modding bliss.......- Adobe Photoshop CS2, 3DsMax 9, Google sketchup pro, Cinema 4D, NIF scope, and texture maker. Also I see so many modding teams out there, once I become more of a Pro at the process I would love to be a part of some of them, I have Medieval warfare and weapons on the brain, and a countless amount of Ideas for blood-drenched battles and epic quests for Oblivion.
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Don't know much about modeling, but i can give you some links :P


lhammonds tutorial on adding textures.




adding collisions




sword in blender = could be usefull to you anyways




general help on meshes etc




ps. There is a problem with 3dsmax ver. 9 and oblivion modding, something to do with nvidia dds plugin not working. Could be the reason for the problem you are having with the textures. Look into that.

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  Hsandman_1 said:

Ignore that one. Collisions still don't export properly with max, what you'll want is http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...s_with_NifSkope


Ignore the references to the Civ4 exporter, the one from niftools works better. Basically, export a model with a texture attached, open it in nifscope, fix the texture path, copy the branches containing the actual mesh into an existing standard weapon nif (extracted from the BSA files with BSA commander or similar). Then removing the standard mesh, attaching the new mesh to the ninode, and saving the file as a new .nif.

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Alright, Im a few steps closer to getting my weapons up and running, heres a snapshot of my semi-lifeless Templar Battleaxe http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/7638/screenshot1ml4.png I can see my chrome texture on it now, plus it looks sharper, but I'm still having trouble transferring the info in nif scope from my models to the games already set up weapons nifs. I still cant pick it up and equip it, Ive spent weeks trying to get my weapons battle ready, Ill be damned if I'm gonna give up now.
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I did it!!! I have modeled a sword from scratch and brought it into oblivion thanks to weeks of research and you guys who helped me with those links, thank you! Here it is, Ive named it Demon Slayer - http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/4239/screenshot2ic8.pnghttp://img294.imageshack.us/img294/1001/screenshot3mr8.pngIt took me about 10 hours to model it to perfection and get it working in oblivion, all I need to do now is learn how to make custom icons and texture it and uv map it so I can get that shiny chrome blade look like I see in other mods, by the way, the symbols etched in the blade are angelic script, it says Demon Slayer. Thanks again for all your help, I have new axes, swords, shields and armor to create.
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