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Faster plasma projectiles


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I don't think I'm the only one bothered by the speed of plasma projectiles.

Even with the high range rifles, it's nearly impossible to shoot a moving target from afar. Why are they so slow ?


So, a mod to make them faster (maybe with different speeds in option) would be really great !


Unfortunately I have no idea how to do that, that's why I suggest it here...



(ps : sorry for the possible mistakes in my message, English isn't my native language)

Edited by DarkTeot
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I would be interested in this as well. I'm a sniper, and I've had the same issue with plasma weapons.


And don't worry about your English. It's my native language, and I can tell you that your post is easier to read than a lot of those made by others with English as their primary language. It would take a Grammar Nazi to find something wrong with your post.

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