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Glowing lights and .nifs


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I've been trying to swap the green glowing lights from the glowing deathclaw to pink for my mod. Currently I just overwrite the GlowingDeathclawAO.nif so that the lighting effect does nothing.


It looks like I can swap the color values in nifskope from green to whatever but after saving the changes they still show up as green lights ingame.


Any ideas?

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Try this: nVidia DDS Tool and NifScope Settings - Tutorial and Presets, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6936/?


He has nif stuff that may help. Right now, the tutorial didn't help me, I assume I'm too much of a beginner. There's also a glow tutorial, but I didn't look at it yet to say if it would be helpful...and a simple search doesn't bring it up...for me...


[Edit] Whoa old jeff, wtf, you missed the whole point of that question!

Edited by jeffglobal
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The nif file is definitely the source of the code telling something to reference a light. Not sure if the nif file is the source of the light or if it is linking out to somewhere else like you suggested.

Edited by TWFH1
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am going to throw this in here too since you asked; I made a tutorial on this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/127/?

The node numbers on the BSValueNode written in the Value section defines what lights it uses and is directly editable in FO4Edit. The tutorial covers this.

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