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I am trying to make a spell script that finds the nearest weapon to the caster then launches the weapon at the target. My problem is that when I try to use and function to move the found weapon it will not work. I am only able to apply an impulse on the weapon object. I cannot use the translatetoref or pushactoraway functions on the found weapon. Even if I cast the weapon as an actor. Can anyone help me with this?

scriptName WeaponThrow extends ActiveMagicEffect
import game
import debug
formlist property WeaponList auto
float RadiusToFindWeapon = 2000.0
objectreference WeaponFound 
;objectreference property Target auto 

Event Oneffectstart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	WeaponFound = game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(WeaponList, akCaster, RadiusToFindWeapon)
        debug.notification("Weapon Found "+WeaponFound)
	debug.notification("akTarget "+akTarget)
	Actor WeaponActor = WeaponFound as Actor
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