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nifskope has stopped working


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HI, my nifskope has stopped working so it says, it could never run by itself.


I troubleshot it and get it to run by the test mode, still has this error:



""""There were errors during shader compilation






The fragment shader uses varying D, but previous shader does not write to it.

The fragment shader uses varying A, but previous shader does not write to it.




The fragment shader uses varying HalfVector, but previous shader does not write to it.




The fragment shader uses varying HalfVector, but previous shader does not write to it.




The fragment shader uses varying HalfVector, but previous shader does not write to it.""""""



mine's is the ASUS ROG 501 with 2GB DDR5 GTX960M 12GB RAM, It should be more than capable.


Please help!!!!


Sorry if I post in the wrong forum.



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