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360 movement


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Hey guys. I have that 360 walk/run mod, but it seems like the author isn't going to do anything more with it.


I thought it would be cool if someone knew how to get the Fallout 4 3rd person animations, as the turning and whatnot is much smoother if you've seen it. I know this probably wouldn't work all that well with other walk/run animations, but I think this would still be a plus.


I mean, if you have the 360 walk/run mod, you can see stuff like when your character is facing you and you run back, they'll quickly turn forward, then turn around again before they run. Then when they stop, they turn back around lol.


The biggest hurdle I see is the compatibility factor, what with the skeletons. The way it is in FO4 is beyond my understanding on how they do their animations. Like is there a separate idle for standing left, right, etc? How would that be implemented in Skyrim? Beats me :p


What do you guys think?

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