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Really AEVWD how to create BAIN package


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Like in the topic title. How to create BAIN package using Wrye Bash? Any good info with screenshots out there? Video or something? And yes I can read but I was not able to create package using instructions (which are scarce it seems)

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RAEVWD comes pre-packaged for BAIN, with a wizard...to use it, you put the package in BAIN, right click, hit Wizard or Install with Wizard or whatever it is and voila! Follow the prompts.


As for creating a BAIN package, its not especially difficult. It works via folders. For example, you have a mod with several options: you place each option in its own subfolder, file structure intact.

Folder ModName has the following subfolders: OptionA, OptionB, OptionC. Each subfolder (A, B, C) will have the game files, organized correctly - meshes, textures, an esp/esm file, perhaps docs.

You might have slightly more complex mods. In which case your subfolders may look more like this: Core Files, Option A1, Option A2, OptionB.

You can only have one set of subfolders. In the above examples, OptionA could not contain Option1 and Option2, it MUST contain game files.


Make sure that you don't do the following: ModName, OptionA, Data, etc. Wrye Bash will not know what to do with those files.


Feel free to ask more about BAIN packages.

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