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Dragon Age Inquisition: Sudden bad performance, fps drops/lag

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Ok, so I haven't played Dragon Age Inquisition in some months, maybe since May. I never finished so I wanted to fire it back up and try to work my way through it.
Unfortunately, my performance has plummeted. I used to be able to play in full Ultra with no problems whatsoever and pretty short load times. I've been messing around with lowering my graphics settings and nothing seems to help.
Problems I have now:


  • Texture loading lag & NPC loading and movement lag. Lots of "dropping in" models and awkward hiccups. Companions and enemies are both effected.
  • Runs much hotter than before.
  • Lag increases dramatically during battle.
  • Much longer loading screen times than before, often gets stuck on black screen with loading icon.
  • Lagged animations, bad syncing with voices, cut scenes out of pace and sometimes the visuals such as model load and movement extend past the sound effects or music.
That's from testing a few different saves for about 15 minutes each, travelling and in battle in the Hinterlands. Interestingly enough, the performance is much better disconnected from the internet. If it's of any relevance I live in an area where Comcast has implemented a data cap. Also, I'm able to run Fallout 4 pretty well, as well as other games released within the last two years, so I'm wondering if it's something wrong with Origin?
I just did a fresh install this morning to see if that would help, which had the effect of slight improvements. Before the fresh install it was actually completely unplayable due to lag/fps drops.
EDIT: I've also tested this on a computer in the household running win7, same problems.
My specs (images, let me know if you need text instead):
Let me know if any further information is needed and I'll happily provide.
UPDATE 1: I'm currently testing if completely clearing the Origin cache and deleting my save games will help any. Don't worry, I backed the saves up. Will update if this provides a fix.
UPDATE 2: No fix, so it's likely not an issue with the cache or my saves. In starting a new game I noticed bad lag/poor syncing of model movement and speaking animations. Some cinematics extended past their sounds because model animations were lagging so badly...
Edited by plumularvae
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Right, so what am I to do about that? I suppose I could refresh my entire computer back to win8, but I really don't want to go through that. I'd prefer to find a fix that didn't involve rolling back the OS, if possible.

I've also tested this on a computer in the household running win7, same problems.

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UPDATE 3: As per /u/deylath on reddit, I turned off Origin gamepanel/Origin in-game. I noticed better animation syncing, but that seems to be all that was changed. The first tutorial battle (I'm testing with my old saves wiped still) still experiences incredible lag, maybe about a half-speed fps drop to what I could run before (previously to this issue, battles ran smoothly, no lag). And the following cinematic finds itself completely out of sync with the sound again with fps drop still happening. Partial fix?


Will be trying to roll back drivers next.

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UPDATE 5: This seems to have made the game worse. In starting a new test game, after the very first opening cinematic where you escape the fade, the character model and Cassandra dropped into a map I've never seen before, looks like somewhere with the ledge you climb in the opening cinematic in the background. My character has maybe 10% health, no weapons, and no skills, taking damage. I think I'm going to update the drivers again...Going to try other suggested fixes.

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