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house request


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This isn't as much of a request as it is im trying to find a mod someone has already made I've been looking for it since 2014 the mod is a house near Falkreath the textures of the area look as if they are painted on on if anyone knows where i can find this mod on the nexus please contact me as soon as you can.


if you are looking to contact me you could either reply to this post or you could Email me at [email protected] Thank you all for your time.

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I have looked, but I am going to need more of a description of the house. What style was it in, can you remember anything from the description, can you describe perhaps a screenshot used (basic such as mountain with a sunset/rise behind it). There simply isn't enough to go on.


However, you can go to the nexus mods, look under player abodes, and search in description for Falkreath and then sort by most recent and ascending to get all the mods from 2012 on up.

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