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Trudging through the Glowing Sea with Strong was so funny. He's good with whatever I give him. I use a flamer and he usually uses a mini gun. This time he was using a missile launcher...against flying critters (blood bugs, bloat fly's). It was hilarious! He missed them all. I just got them with my flamer, no big deal. I didn't have to worry about deathclaws or radscorpions, though. By the time I spotted them they were dead. I didn't care that he went through missiles rapidly as I had oodles, anyway.

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Every time I get shot out of the sky while in a vertibird is golden.


The first time though, I was ejected while flying over Boston and hit the ground somewhere near a raider camp. I was happy to have survived the fall, but just as soon as I got up, I was dismembered by an exploding car. Thank the raiders and their grenades.

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>does Defend the Castle

>brings 4 Stealth Assaultrons and 2 Heavy Sentry Bots from Robot Home Defense

>Heavy Sentry Bots accidentally hit Assaultrons and settlers with missiles

>Sentry Bots and Assaultrons end up attempting to genocide everyone, including each other

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I had another friendly fire incident. This time I killed one of my pack brahmen. One of those red widow bloodbugs came along while I was trying to build a new building. I dropped out of build mode hit VATS clicked until the bar was full and hit execute. Did not notice the provisioner in the background. VATS made a nice display of my cattle mutilation but I was laughing so hard I forgot to take a screen shot. Oh well everyone eats good tonight.

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First time i shot Cait..she cussed the crap out of me,whilst i fumbled for a stimpak..never mind she f*cked up my line of fire with her Gung-ho crap..noooh my fault..thats ladies for ya..but i adore her..she´s like my lovely wife..i only get into fisticuffs when she is losing or have,recklessly engaged,someone the size of a small building sporting babies between the teeth..if i could manage the techy bit i'd remodel cait to look like the sweet little thing... :-)

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You don't need any techie skills, nor a GECK, you just need the console and "slm" (a.k.a., "showlooksmenu") to give any NPC some cosmetic surgery. Look up that command in the wiki. Seriously.

eh..how?..as far as i´ve gathered,you type a number after the SLM or something...or do i just look at her and go console on her??.. i'm a complete moron regarding computers..i,grew up with typewriters and pencils...

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