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Location: Glow Sea.


Weather: Radstorm.


Mission: Checking on Virgil.




Get 2/3 of the way there, run into swarm of black bloatflys - set down a plasma grenade and lure them over it. Grenade does the job, but also draws attention of an Albino Deathclaw. Start to combat it before it gets in close, part way through the fight another Deathclaw shows up since we've moved during combat.

Legendary Mythic - and it starts to charge down towards me, gets closer than the Albino, and then stops and turns.


Puzzled, I hold off on attacking for a split second - only to see the second Deathclaw start to lay waste to the first one, which I can only assume struck it in passing. I back off and crouch behind cover to watch the outcome. Both tear at each other for ages until one falls and turns to search for me, only to be brought down by a newly arrived Radscorpion hunter, which then dies at the hands of a grenade and a few shots from my rifle.


Continue on my way, meet Virgil and conclude our business - start to head back out and decide to visit the Children of Atom settlement before I go. Get there and and everyone fighting off another Deathclaw (Chameleon) and pack of bloodbugs.

Change my mind and leave - minute later the Deathclaw runs past me being chased by the bloodbugs and a single Atom fanatic with a gamma gun.


Settler kills the bugs and the Deathclaw, then goes home.


I go home to Outpost Zimonja and up the defenses a bit, it's crazy out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today... Cat fight (or as close as you can get) I recruited Cait, Curie and Piper as followers, they are all in Sanctuary (Yah, I know... probably wasn't the best idea) They all have an Affinity of 1100... can you see where this is going?


Well, I had Cait as my current follower, Curie approached and I just asked her to accompany me, Cait called her an egghead. To see how far this would go, I asked Cait to come with me... Curie said that I should bring more ammo... Piper shows up... oh yes, I did... I ask Piper to come with me... Cait mentions something about a Threesome and Piper says it's not gonna happen honey... I may kick in FRAPS and go back to that save and see if I can get all to happen again,

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Decided to annoy the hell out of a firebombing raider - he got himself cornered and just kept throwing molotovs at me - so I went pigeon shooting and shot each bottle as he let it fly.


14 bottle later and he pulls a grenade, throws it, hits a post and ends up with it back at his feet. He jumps out and starts running, grenade goes off and he ragdolls off the road into the water nearby (yelling "oh s#*!" and "you'll pay for that!" to himself), climbs out and gets killed by a mirelurk hiding in the mud.

Killed the lurk, searched the raider. He had a spoon, can of cram, a teddy bear, three caps, a pipe rifle - and a missile launcher with enough munitions to fend off every mutant in Trinity Plaza.


Still confused as to why he didn't just draw that thing first.


Made it two streets away and got to witness a group of supermutants fighting with some ferals (and definitely winning) when one of them decides to pull the plug and nukes the entire group. One Ghoul survives, looks at me for a moment, hisses and then just hobbles away like it can't be bothered.

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So, I'm making a mod that allows you to

rebuild Liberty Prime

, and I accidentally set the NPC itself as the result of workbench crafting. To my surprise, this actually worked.


The result is an item with 0 weight and a value of -1 caps. Dropping it results in the NPC spawning.

Edited by AceCarteria
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  • 4 weeks later...

I got attacked at spectacle island yesterday by super mutants, I kept shooting this one super mutant and he wouldn't die! then I realized it was Strong. I felt bad, so I went and talked to him after wards and he was cool with it. LOL

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I remember that one time I descended into a crater to check if there's something to loot there, as I went for a box near a car wreckage I heard snarling behind the character. When I turned around there was that Deathclaw between two walls of a ruined building that sank into the crater, when I saw him I almost shat my pants, lucky for me that it wasn't aggressive at all so I slowly walked backwards out of the crater.

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