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[Request] Increase Ability Caps


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I noticed through my time playing the game that many abilities will continue to grant bonus beyond their cap. For instance, Muscle Memory will continue to confer +5% quick attack damage and +1% adren gain after you max it at 5/5.


I was wondering if a modder could increase these caps to allow for even more specific builds, New Game+ characters, god like power, etc.


I've looked through some of the files to create this mod myself but I honestly don't even know where to start.

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Well I found two files that looked promising. PlayerAbilityManager.ws and geralt_skills.xml.


In the first there are the functions that determine whether or not you can learn a skill, and exactly how adding a skill goes down. I commented out sections referencing skill.maxLevel, put that in a new mod, and started up the game. It didn't work unfortunately. The game still stopped me from adding more points to skills that were maxed.


The second file has the definitions of all the skills you can learn, including a field called maxLevel. I doubled all the maxLevels. At first I noticed nothing, everything still was set to max level 5 or 3 or whatever. But then I realized that the skills are probably loaded from the xml file on the creation of a new player entity, ie a new game, and so loading a game will not get the new values from the xml. Also, I should just generally test things on new games anyways. lol. Upon starting a new game, everything was as expected. I used the console to add points, and everything leveled as expected as well.


If someone would like me to upload my mod, I will be glad to.


It is unfortunate that a new game is required though. I'd look for a way around it, like forcing it to re-load geralt_skills.xml, but, my main save got corrupted anyhow and so started fresh isn't a big deal to me.

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