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Any modders willing to make (or currently exist) (Settlement Building)


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1) Inside wall with Door. (Aka small wall). Ideally one metal and one wooden (ideally for my own preference 'new build, not worn/full of hole/patch work texture). really want to be able to put a 'door' inside a building (or outside but on the same floor sections), without modpos'ing the adjacent floor away, placing the 'large wall) then modpos'ing back


2) Related, 'partial' walls. We have partial 'floors' (1/4 squares), It would really be nice for 1/4 walls.


3) A version of the second story floor, with a whole for stairwells (basically the TOP section of the prebuild floor, stair, roof), for when you want to put a stair up into the next floor, but say want the concreate foundation, etc. There really should be a 'roof/floor' section with a cut out for stairs (or even drop down).


4) Walls with Windows. Ideally both metal / wood and 'new/solid / old/patched' construction


5) Cement / Cider Block / Brick texture wall. For maximum utility 'small' based walled. Single solid wall, bonus if also a 'door' verision.


6) Single Board 'floor' and Ramp. We have 1/4 floors (and atleast one mod that adds 'ramps', but it would be great if somebody could make a 'single' board width one (with snap points), so distances of varied sized could be bridged.


7) 1/4 floor section as a 'shelf' (I.E. attackable any heigth on wall not bound to floor, but 'deeper' then current shelves, so deep enough to make walkway (and or turrent mount platforms). BONUS if can copy the 'supported' verision from Covenant. (I.E. 1/4 floor, with angled braced underneath).


8) 'Cloth wall' We have the cloth roof (skeletal srtucture with sheet covering) and comparable wall version would be nice.


9) There are several 'firepits' in game, but a buildable / placeable one would be nice


10) Wall mounted sentry light / spot light (like NPC regularly use)


These would be my top 10, wishes for constructions of settlements.


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Most of what you asked for is in this mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5118/?


As for fire pits try this mod -- http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2451/?


To see some of it I have a gallery of screenies here -- http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/xv5d3z50j4gz1vkivdp291vky187cgg9

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