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[WIP] Caprica Papyrus Compiler


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Because I'm not a patient enough person to wait for the Creation Kit to come out, I went and wrote my own Papyrus compiler. Available on the nexus here, it supports what I believe to be the syntax for the new features present in FO4, and, as of v0.0.4 can also disassemble and re-assemble .pex files.


The Caprica compiler is also far faster than the CK compiler, as it is able to compile all 2.4k scripts for Fallout 4 in just over 8 seconds on my computer when compiling one file at a time, and 4 seconds when parallel compilation is enabled. (the current releases have parallel compilation disabled, but there will eventually be a command-line option to enable it)


Feel free to leave any feedback you have on it here, on the mod page, or on Github.

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  • 2 months later...

You have to use cmd. Best write yourself a small batch file. Here is mine, just edit the paths:

@echo off

set compdirectroy="D:\Modding\Fallout4\Tools\ScriptCompiler"
set srcdirectory="D:\Modding\Fallout4\Data\Scripts\src"
set bindirectory="D:\Modding\Fallout4\Data\Scripts"
set fo4scriptdirectoy="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts"

echo Enter filename without extension:
set /p filename=

cd %compdirectroy%
caprica.exe "%srcdirectory%\Custom\%filename%.psc" -i "%bindirectory%" -o "%bindirectory%\Custom" --champollion-compat yes --allow-compiler-identifiers

echo Copy compiled .pex to scripts directory? (y/n)
set /p bCopyToFO4=

if "%bCopyToFO4%" == "y" (
	copy %bindirectory%\Custom\%filename%.pex %fo4scriptdirectoy%
	copy %srcdirectory%\Custom\%filename%.psc %fo4scriptdirectoy%\src\DarthWayne
goto start

Edit: This bat compiles only compiles psc files in subfolder named "Custom". It can also cause problems if you have blanks in your paths...

Edited by DarthWayne
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You have to use cmd. Best write yourself a small batch file. Here is mine, just edit the paths:

@echo off

set compdirectroy="D:\Modding\Fallout4\Tools\ScriptCompiler"
set srcdirectory="D:\Modding\Fallout4\Data\Scripts\src"
set bindirectory="D:\Modding\Fallout4\Data\Scripts"
set fo4scriptdirectoy="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts"

echo Enter filename without extension:
set /p filename=

cd %compdirectroy%
caprica.exe "%srcdirectory%\Custom\%filename%.psc" -i "%bindirectory%" -o "%bindirectory%\Custom" --champollion-compat yes --allow-compiler-identifiers

echo Copy compiled .pex to scripts directory? (y/n)
set /p bCopyToFO4=

if "%bCopyToFO4%" == "y" (
	copy %bindirectory%\Custom\%filename%.pex %fo4scriptdirectoy%
	copy %srcdirectory%\Custom\%filename%.psc %fo4scriptdirectoy%\src\DarthWayne
goto start

Edit: This bat compiles only compiles psc files in subfolder named "Custom". It can also cause problems if you have blanks in your paths...

I've tried to troubleshoot, but it keeps giving me this error


Enter filename without extension: QF_MS17_00022A08

Compiling C:\Users\eric\Desktop\psctopex\src\QF_MS17_00022A08.psc
C:\Users\eric\Desktop\psctopex\src\QF_MS17_00022A08.psc(9,51): Error: The script name 'Fragments:Quests:QF_MS17_00022A08' must match the name of the file 'QF_MS17_00022A08'!
Compilation failed, 0 warnings and 1 errors were encountered.

Copy compiled .pex to scripts directory? (y/n)

Here is my batch file



echo off

set compdirectroy="C:\Users\eric\Desktop\psctopex\"
set srcdirectory="C:\Users\eric\Desktop\psctopex\src"
set bindirectory="C:\Users\eric\Desktop\psctopex\bin"
set fo4scriptdirectory="CC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\scripts"

echo Enter filename without extension: QF_MS17_00022A08
set /p filename=

cd %compdirectroy%
caprica.exe "%srcdirectory%" -i "%bindirectory%" -o "%bindirectory%" --champollion-compat yes --allow-compiler-identifiers

echo Copy compiled .pex to scripts directory? (y/n)
set /p bCopyToFO4=

if "%bCopyToFO4%" == "y" (
	copy %bindirectory%\QF_MS17_00022A08.pex %fo4scriptdirectoy% 
	copy %srcdirectory%\QF_MS17_00022A08 %fo4scriptdirectoy%
goto start

What did I do wrong?

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