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Mermaid Armor


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I know there are people at another site in the development of a mermaid race, and I know there is that one mermaid armor out, but those aren’t really my tastes….


I really would like some mermaid armor so I can use it with any race and role play it however I wish. Just having a mermaid armor set would also let others use it as a base for a race mod, or some magic ring that makes you transform into a mermaid when you swim yada-yada.


I’ve drawn up a concept of mermaid armor that I would personally like, and since its armor, players can mix and match.


Having the fins as boots would allow for other fin designs

I have more colors including a Koi fish, But I can't Upload them all XD


Anyway, I hope I'm not being too demanding, all I ask for is this armor for CBBE and some varying colors (red, purple, blue, green, black, white, and maybe Koi and Rainbow...)

I Don't even care if a male version is made... I just REALLY love mermaids and want to use this with the Sirens and Drow elf Race

Also, I don't even care if the scaly leg version is made either

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