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Vampires the all powerfull!!!


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Im a lvl 7 Dunmer-vampire ive been playing for like a month(thats a month all the time added together. I dont sleep.) I havent worked on lvling that much yet mainly quests. I have very good stratageys for Vampire characters and travling as a Vampire and the almighty forever going battle against the Sun. :nazgul:
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Okay, if that's what it's about it should probably be in spoilers. I misconstrued its purpose when I read it the first time. I apologise. However there have already been so many threads on vampires and vampirism (use search button) that I'm not certain anything will be gained from starting another. And certainly, if all you want to do is to say how awesome you are there would be no point to it at all. I'm locking this thread and would ask you, if after you have checked the existing threads you believe there is a discussion on vampire strategy still to be had, that you start a new thread in spoilers indicating precisely where it differs from the others.


Once again I apologise for misreading it the first time.

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