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I have a strange fascination with things nobody understands. I don't mean that in a general sense. I'm talking about things that psychologists and moral scientists are struggling to pin down, like the significance of one's subconscious and how it's analogous to shadow. More recently I've been trying to get into the idea of evil, and what it means to be truly evil. Evil isn't something simple, and honestly moral evil is more complex than moral good. Take D&D's alignments. Chaotic evil people take what they want with no regard to anybody else, usually leaving a massive path of destruction in their wake. An evil person may act good for a very long time (I'm talking possibly hundreds of years) just to set something so evil into action that it outweighs all of their acting (for example, gaining the trust of government officials, to then rise and take the seat of power only to corrupt the government beyond repair for their own selfish reasons). Has anybody else thought about this extensively? I mean, take Nintendo's Bowser, for example. He appears evil, and in the earlier releases of Super Mario Bros in the little instruction booklets it describes him as a being of pure evil. However, as the Mario storyline expanded, through research, digging, and evaluation it has been determined that since Bowser never had parents (he was raised an orphan by Kamek the Magikoopa) and the reason he kidnaps Peach so much is because he wants someone to help him be a good parent to his eight children because he feels insecure and that he cannot do it himself. beings that are pure evil have no insecurities or fears, and this is a primary requirement for "evil" that Bowser never fulfilled. Evil is most commonly referenced as a duality to good, however I believe this is not the case. Evil is separate from good, it's just that since the two are opposing forces we seem them battle the most. I'm having trouble separating evil from this duality, and that's where my current train of thought has stopped.

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The holistic approach says that evil is simply the absence of good; that without the proper teaching, you dont know to repress your desires. The most simplified version of this argument says

Look at a 2 year old. They are developed enough to be "normal" humans, but uneducated in any form of society, morality, etc. They act out selfishly in greed, violence, destruction, whatever (basically, toddlers are chaotic neutral/evil depending on if its your kid or someone else's :laugh: ) They dont know better, so we forgive and teach. Besides, they are small enough that no real harm usually results from these actions.


Now, put that same "toddler" pure-nature-man mentality in an adult. Then you have evil.


I'll cover more later.

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Now, put that same "toddler" pure-nature-man mentality in an adult. Then you have evil.


I'll cover more later.


That's a great analogy! I'd like to hear more of your thoughts. :)

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philosophy is my kind of talking.


i say Pure Evil or Pure good do not exist it's just matter of prescriptive.

if you are born in camp Evil or Camp Good they just a mind set they intertwine one can't exist without the other.


people think you can judge with that little concessions you have on your shoulder or can you? after all you need both sides to judge proper and if you know both sides can you still judge?.

i can go into morals but i like to keep it a little light on topic.

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My questioning of morality is more specific to myself in this particular context. For example, when I go out to eat, I only hold the door open for people in the hopes that I'll get something out of it, like a "thank you" or some other small indication of gratitude. I carry a lighter, not because I smoke but because as humans are wont to do, people forget theirs and if I lend mine sometimes I receive a reward, be it a phone number, some spare change, or anything else. I don't really care about other people, and I openly swear in public. People say I swear too much, but then I tell them to eff off. Quite literally. Another example is if I'm crossing the street, jaywalking or otherwise, I'll swear and make rude gestures at people driving like they own the road. Many people are surprised when they observe this, as they wouldn't expect this sort of angry, resentful, and sometimes downright hateful behavior from such a small person, let alone a female like myself, and even more so a foreigner (I'm Russian in America). I'm trying to decipher whether or not I am a bad(substitute "evil" in here) person (in societal terms) or if I'm just misguided or possibly just lost. I don't have many friends due to my rather loathsome and abhorrent nature. What you're reading here is very filtered and processed so I'm not immediately banned for profanity (I like the four letter F word a lot). I sympathise with the "bad guys" in movies and video games a lot. My real parents died in a car crash when I was very young, and I feel that this may have been the life event that started me down this chaotic path. My foster parents didn't give a damn about me or my brother. They still don't. I have a blatant disregard for the personal safety of other human beings. For example, if somebody were to suggest that they attempt something risky where the risk outweighs the potential benefit, I'd probably say "It's your funeral, not mine." I can feel the same range of emotions as a normal human being, they are just much more subdued, probably due to the fact that not a single damned person helped me growing up. I freely call people names. For example, if a 12 year old American child asks how I'm playing Skyrim on my laptop with a Playstation 3 controller, I'd most likely say "I'd explain it to you, but you probably wouldn't understand a word of it, you f---ing spoiled little brat." No remorse for said example would be felt, and I'd go back to playing Skyrim. Most of the time when I'm out in the real world I feel disconnected from much of the natural emotion (sort of like the ambient energy) in the environment. My brother and I would go to the park, and I'd be bored while he is busy doing nature photography. I have a very good logical understanding of the world, however my unduly lack of emotion towards many aspects of others' lives seems to put a damper on any chances of interaction with others. I studied psychology in college until I failed the class. Something I picked up while I was busy not caring about the class was there are three aspects of the mind: logical, emotional and "enlightened", which actively manages the logical and emotional parts. Many people these days seem to be stuck (like Cicero and his wagon) in the emotional state, whereas I seem to be functioning in quite the opposite way.

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