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Decorative Rings


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Hi all :)

This question pertains to using one of the unlimited rings mod (well, I'm using the mod where I can specify how many I would like and have limited them to 4 to make it less of a cheat)


As many of you know, there are a few different "Unlimited Rings" mods, but none that allow you to actually see the rings.


So, I'm wondering if anyone knows of a creator who has made rings for decoration that can be worn simply as accessories so that they wouldn't conflict with the ring mods..Sort of the way Kafei's Circlets (non-armored) work as purely decorative apparel.

I have no idea if this is even possible, but it'd be great to see a couple of "virtual" rings, even if they aren't the actual enchanted rings my character is wearing. :)


Thanks for any advice!

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