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Quick Reflexes Bugfix


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Many of you probably know about the Quick Reflexes bug, where you get stuck in an infinite slow time loop.


This mod on the Steam Workshop seems to fix the problem: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=155292520


However, this mod is not bug-free and I don't know enough about modding to fix it. The person who made the mod hasn't appeared to touch it in over 2 years now, so I turn to you for help.


1) Occasionally the graphical effect(grayness with a bit of blurring) won't be removed after the time slow effect is over.


2) When used in Third Person view, the camera won't always keep up with the players movements, and the player can literally walk off the side of the screen. After the slowness is over, the camera catches up. (I use the Customization Camera mod, in case it makes a difference.)

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