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Question Regarding Model Scaling in NIFSkope

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I'm having issues with scaling a bow model in NIFSkope.

I took Auriel's Bow and scaled it on the Y axis by 140 percent (or 1.4x the original size). Now, the model and everything loads fine, but the issues arrive when I add it into the game. The string is completely misaligned. My question is on how to realign the drawstring with the rest of the bow.

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You need to move the trapizoidal nodes that mark the tips of the bow and the arch so that they are positioned relative to where the model has moved to Just look at the square node markers on the original model and make sure they are in that exact spot after you have resized it. Basically you have rescaled the mesh but you haven't rescaled the string motion effect

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You need to move the trapizoidal nodes that mark the tips of the bow and the arch so that they are positioned relative to where the model has moved to Just look at the square node markers on the original model and make sure they are in that exact spot after you have resized it. Basically you have rescaled the mesh but you haven't rescaled the string motion effect

Is there a video on how to do that? I tried but it didn't work. The string is now misaligned. I'm trying to make a true longbow.

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All you should have to do is right click the node, choose Transform-> Edit and choose the axis direction to move it up and then hit ok and right click it again and hit Transform -> Apply doesn't throw any errors and looks aligned right still when I adjust it. Sadly I don't know of many NIFSkope tutorials. but maybe post on the NIFUtils forum, you'd be more likely to find someone there who can give you more specifics. My instructions are just theory based on the edits I've done using NIFSkope, but should work.

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