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Locations Overhaul


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I like having a sense of progress in my games and when playing games that repopulate mob/area/loot, I feel like the 2 hour I spent clearing that location was for nothing. So, simply said, Is there a mod that allow locations to be cleared FOR REAL.


In other words, after clearing let's say location X, there will be never a refill of the creatures and loot.

The only way such "refill" would happen, would be dependant on let's say

  • The dominant faction in the world
  • The radius of factions around said location
  • The motives of faction to retake said location
  • The affiiation between factions


  1. I clear Location X mainly composed of raiders.
  2. Around location X, one hub of raiders(Location Y) and 2 hubs of super mutants
  3. Super mutants want location X because they need it as a vantage point to kill other raiders
  4. Super mutants dislike raiders because they are humans
  5. Outcome: Supermutants settles for location X and repopulate location X and invade location Y which was near location X and raiders owned


  1. Now I clear again Location X which is a super mutant hub as well as super mutants hubs (mentionned at point 2 earlier) around the location X including Location Y.
  2. No factions is around Location X, so nothing happens and it stays that way.


  1. Now, Theres a patrol of let's say BOS that goes through location X and sees that location X is empty as well as radius locations around Location X.
  2. They take it over.
  3. Now the location is seen as BOS owned. (The faction could be the sole player too meaning a new settlement is created)


Finally, Imagine a dynamic system where one faction owns all the locations may that be BOS, Minutemen, Institute, Railroad, super mutants, ghouls, raiders, or even the player itself, etc...


If the player is affiliated with a faction, boom, he receives MEANINGFUL "radiant quests" to conquer all locations. When all locations are cleared or owned, no more radiant quests. If he as no affiliation, he has a journal that tracks his conquests.


So basically, you got the gist of my mod Idea, If any is interested, that would make the game 10x more relevant IMO.

Edited by delmalki
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