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This is one of my all time favorite mods for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I've been waiting for someone to port it over to Fallout 4 or something like that but no luck yet. I'm hoping that me posting this on here will shine some light on it and hope fully someone will do it or help out in some way. Looking forward to the replies and comments on this post.





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Did you read the comments on the New Vegas one? Page 2, about halfway down. To sum it up he can't port them as they're based on FO3 and NV assets, so would need to recreate them, but he may do it sometime in the future if he has time.


The only mod I've found (and used to use) that included some parts of it is Customized Universal Tactical Equipment.

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This was, hands down, my all time favorite armor mod back in the day, barely edging out Advanced Combat Armor. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/6978/?


Combined with Light Up and Smoke Those Cigarettes http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18947/? you could look like a true badass. (I chose the cigar option.)


Being that the assets cannot be imported and FO4 is so heavily power armor based I can see why this hasn't happened yet although I hope it does.


With the right mods, most essentially this one, on Survival difficulty, this mod would allow me to play against balls-crushing odds yet still make it not just survivable but FUN.


Yeah... I hope this comes about.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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