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All is lost! (?) (!?)


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Hmm..that symbol resembles one I made a while back that contained the letters of my name...


As for the mod objects i believe you have to enable every mod you use as well as oblivion.esm in the CS. Then I think you will get different, CORRECT, formIDs for the mod items.


Edit:It works that way for my mod spells. I'm not sure about items though, try it out.

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Hmm..that symbol resembles one I made a while back that contained the letters of my name...


As for the mod objects i believe you have to enable every mod you use as well as oblivion.esm in the CS. Then I think you will get different, CORRECT, formIDs for the mod items.


Edit:It works that way for my mod spells. I'm not sure about items though, try it out.

You are correct, however as some mods get loaded into the CS in a different order than their loading order, not sure what causes it, the numbers will be different. For modded items that aren't part of a larger mod (where you actually have to do something more than walk over and pick them up or buy them) you're probably better off just disabling the mods, using wyre bash to remove the records of those mods being active, load up the game without those mods active, save the game, exit, make them active, then load the new save and go get them again. If they are part of a larger mod, you'll either have to do that bit over again, or accept the loss.


On a side note, dropping your items anywhere other than a cell the player owns (like one of the buyable houses) can still cause them to go away when the cell is refreshed after a few days of being away. Should really avoid putting anything you want to keep anywhere that isn't a non-respawning container.

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You'll need to substitute the 01 (as in 01xxxxxx) with the proper mod-index.


This sounds better than restarting my MOD objects from scratch, the sauron stuf, the precious sauron stuff was in some annoying cave I've been through twice already, not to mention the soulreaver was hard to kill for.


Is it really that easy to use this do-hickey to get the correct ID and type it in?


PS I've found a much easier way to get the IDs - UESPwiki :)

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