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Weirdest game you ever played


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Postal 2, the most vu;gar non-sensically disturbing game ever made. but actually very amusing, but still really nasty, you can kick ppls heads down the street, and you even killed Gary Coleman! o_O


And you can pick up cats and use them as a silencer for the shotgun. That game was on the news a few years ago, saying that "the games are too violent these days, what will happen to our children etc etc etc". You know the story.

Strangely, they didn't say anything about Manhunter.

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Have you seen a man eat his own head?

Then you haven't seen everything have you?

What would you call that? A Kleinovore?







That guy had WAAAY too much freetime.

Well, NinjaLord, now I have both SEEN and HEARD everything (more like read, but who cares).


Another wierd game that is worth mentioning would be (in)famous World of Warcraft. Simply because it's the only game that can trap souls within a monitor (*GASP* without a soulgem too :D ).

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Another one's Fur fighters : viggos revenge You tiny animals:Dog,kangaroo,dragon and a few more fighting an evil cat with underwater bases :huh:


BTW anyone here ever play Mr. mosquito?

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Another one's Fur fighters : viggos revenge You tiny animals:Dog,kangaroo,dragon and a few more fighting an evil cat with underwater bases :huh:


I'm sorry, but I have honestly no idea of what you're talking about! :wacko:


BTW anyone here ever play Mr. mosquito?


Saw a review for it. It seems... well... quite original somehow. Who haven't wanted to play as one of those bloodsucking buggers, eh? ;)


Edit: I never got the quotes right, but I'm sure you'll understand.

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Yes that one, as i recall there are a few sequences where you actually go into the bathroom while they are having a bath or something and you can bite their boobs and stuff, yeah it was kind of a ed game.
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