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Can't remember where I got the mod


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I had a mod for Skyrim about a year after release that had a wearable backpack, but to access anything in it you had to drop it. It then became a container. It acted as a separate inventory so you could manage your most necessary items on your person and keep things for misc quests like 3 flawless amethysts inside the pack. I really liked it, it made inventory management really easy. Any idea where I can find it again?

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Perhaps "Easier to use bag of holding"?


Hard to tell exactly, because author describes it as a backpack, but there are no pictures.


If you just want the functions, try JustinOther's Bag of Holding (search "holding" in Skyrim Nexus, it'll probably be the first up.

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Perhaps "Easier to use bag of holding"?


Hard to tell exactly, because author describes it as a backpack, but there are no pictures.


If you just want the functions, try JustinOther's Bag of Holding (search "holding" in Skyrim Nexus, it'll probably be the first up.

No, it was a wearable backpack. It appeared as an equippable item while in your inventory but when you dropped it only then could you open it. (have you ever tried opening a backpack while wearing it? It's hard!)

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