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Looking for a Guild House or a Guild Town, or even better, a Guild Island!


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does anyone here knows a mod like a guild house or even a guild town where you can keep your followers in one place?


i have tried Ironwood Homestead- lots of beds for my followers, plenty idles, huge, single-celled, Dragonsreach-style player home- but the downside is the surroundings, it is located in the middle of nowhere.


i tried Ebonvale Settlement - the town is nice, but the player home is not.


i tried Lakeview Manor Town and Fort - the added town has a lot of obvious seams.


i was thinking maybe build a huge single-celled guild house in the middle of a town or a city, in a separate worldspace. i have Guild Starter, My Home Is Your Home, and Amazing Follower Tweaks: these mods are great for keeping your followers in one space.


IF someone out there would be willing enough to make a mod like this, please:

-make the player home something like dragonsreach or a castle style but all in one cell,

-make a surrounding town or city to it, with shops with merchs in it, and with three types of inns(for the Warrior Types, Mage types, and Assassin types), and a general outdoor hangout where followers can chill

-and do not make guards and other unnecessary NPCs.

-and please, no trees, no waterfalls, no useless shrubs, no useless decors.


i haven't tried every mod similar to this but if you know any, please do suggest. thanks.


Edited by StaticWhitenoise
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