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Bleakwind Basin bug- TONS of fish and dragonflies in the sky


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Hello, I got this very strange bug, framerate drops considerably in the area of Bleakwind Basin near Whiterun. When I looked at the sky I' ve noticed countless fish and dragonflies right above the camp. I know some people had this bug, but I didn't find the solution.

Any ideas?


My LOOT report doesn't indicate anything strange.


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Hey, I had the same problem with the dragonflies above Bleakwind and I did some research and I found out that I was using an old version of Brawl Bug Plugin then I updated it to Brawl Bugs Patch at http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24020/? and the problem was gone, no more lag at Bleakwind Basin. ( I hope this helps )

Edited by Shadron88
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