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Two varieties of crashes, and one variety of freeze. Any ideas?


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So I have three separate issues. They don't occur all THAT frequently, but they are bothersome, so if anyone has suggestions on where to start or what might be causing them, please let me know.


1. Settlement CTD. After customizing Abernathy Farm, Oberland Station, The Slog, and Country Crossing, I have somehow created "eventual crashes". If in one of those settlements, game may crash after 10 minutes, 5 minutes, or 2 minutes. But it's going to happen, eventually, unless I finish there and leave before it does. This crash one time corrupted my quicksave. All other settlements customized or not do not cause this crash.


2. Looting UI freeze. When I'm about to dump a bunch of apparel and weapons into a container, I will shift to My Weapons, store a bunch of items, then attempt to shift to My Apparel and game decides to hang there indefinitely about 10% of the time (until I forcibly shut down Fallout4.exe). Happens in exactly that way each time.


3. Transition CTD. Happened when exiting vault 95 for the second time. Irreproducible. Happened when entering the U.S.S. Constitution from the top before finishing quest approximately time #8. Irreproducable.


The mods I'm using are as follows:


Armorsmith Extended 2.41
BodySlide and Outfit Studio 3.1a
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer 1.0a
Concealed Armors - 1.3
Nanosuit CBBE Conversion 3.0
Oni CBBE Nude Curvy Dry Re-Texture 02012016
RustyXXLs BodySlide Conversions 0.5 & v0.5.10
Standalone Hidden Helmets 1.2.1
2pac's CBBE Skimpy Armor... v1 & 1.1 & 2
Better Black-rim Glasses 1.04
CBBE Vanilla Outfits 1.0a
Commonwealth Mini Dresses CBBE 1.2
Daisy Nukes 1.2.8minis
Eli's Armor Collection 2.0
Harness Wardrobe 1.0.6b & 1.0.6rusx
Jacket's and Coats of the Commonwealth 1.21a
Mens Undies Set - Grey 1.0
Nanosuit Standalone 3.0
Skin Tight Hazmat Suit 1.2.1
Spartan Sniper Outfit 0.9.6
Tactical Slutty Wardrobe CBBE 1.0
1x1 Craftable Foundation Pieces 2.0
All Equipment Modifiable 1.1
Craftable Floor Supports 2.0
Craftable Ramps and Rails 2.0
Crafting Workbenches 1.2.1
Functional Weapon Racks 0.2.2
Homemaker Expanded Settlements 1.23 & 1.23
Ploppable Houses 1.0
Robot Home Defence 1.3
Scrap Dead Things 1.40
Settlement Supplies Expanded 2.5
Simple Intersection .61
Snap'n Build 1.3
Faster Terminal Displays 2.0
Longer Area Respawn 1.1
Loot Detector 8
Move (Get Out the Way) 1
Durable Vertibirds 1.6
Idle Hands 2.6
Quieter Settlements 0.10
Ammunition Re-texture 1.0
Bottles' Label Overhaul 0.9.1
Chem Redux No Glow Version 2.4
Detailed Urban Food 1.1
Enhanced Blood Textures 0.3
Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars 4K 1.0
FAR - Faraway Area Reform 1.1
Improved Workshop Lights 1.3b
The Eyes of Beauty Fallout Edition 2.2
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes 1.9
Wasteland Salon 1.3a
Water Enhanced 4K 0.5
Essential Slog NPCs 1.0
Proper Trading Stores and Animation 0.2
Settler Renaming 2.0
Elvani's Track Pack 1.0
More Where That Came From 3.1
Better Weapon Mod Descriptions 1.2c
Full Dialogue Interface Beta8.1
Improved Map with Visible Roads 2.0
keyNuker 0.120
Time On Loading Screens and Pipboy Time 2.0.1
Value per Weight Indicator 0.2



Mods I have installed but have never used (subset of above):


Nanosuit CBBE Conversion 3.0

Eli's Armor Collection 2.0
Jacket's and Coats of the Commonwealth 1.21a
Nanosuit Standalone 3.0
Tactical Slutty Wardrobe CBBE 1.0
1x1 Craftable Foundation Pieces 2.0
Craftable Floor Supports 2.0
Craftable Ramps and Rails 2.0
Functional Weapon Racks 0.2.2
Homemaker Expanded Settlements 1.23 & 1.23
Robot Home Defence 1.3
Snap'n Build 1.3

I have ploppable houses in about half of my settlements. Half of the settlements that CTD have ploppable houses, and half of the settlements that don't cause CTD have ploppable houses. So this mod seems unlikely to be the cause for the settlement CTD. The three mods that seem most likely to cause this are Simple Intersection, Proper Trading Stores and Animation, and Settlment Supplies Expanded; though I'm really not certain.
Value per Weight Indicator has one file conflict with Time On Loading Screens and Pipboy Time. I choose not to install the Time On Loading Screens and Pipboy Time version of the file. However, I am fairly certain the looting ui freeze has occurred before ever installing the Time On Loading Screens and Pipboy Time. Not 100% sure on that though.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Obviously I could remove one mod at a time (or add one at a time), but the errors are intermittent enough that I have doubts that this method will locate the issues. Thanks!
P.S.: If for some reason my computer specs would be useful:

AMD Phenom 1090T with 16 gigs 3800 mhz memory. Fallout 4 installed on a 2TB Western Digital drive, boot is on a Samsung 840 Evo SSD 500GB. Dual MSI Twin Frozr Radeon HD 7950 in crossfire. Dual 27" Asus LED monitors. Creative SB X-Fi sound card. ASUS M4A98TD Pro USB3 motherboard.

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Just an update: The Settlement CTD hasn't happened for a while now; no clue why. However the Looting UI freeze sometimes occurs now the second I open a container. I've disabled both Time on Loading Screens and Pipboy Time and Value Per Weight Indicator and have installed Better Item Sorting by Xandarori and Improved Inventory Beta. No clue if that will help, but I'll try to update with results as soon as I can.


As always, if anyone has any input, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Edit: Nope, still happens. Also the inventories are annoying with BIS & IIB so I switched back. Seems super unlikely, but keyNuker being the culprit? I really really doubt it.

Edited by Arm4g3dd0nX
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