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CTD to desktop, no matter what I do.


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This is driving me crazy, as I love this game, but for a while now I've been having random CTDs, and now it's constant...


Sometimes I can load a save fine, and it will work for a couple of minutes, or until I've walked a bit. (Currently in Sanctuary).

But 9/10 of times, heck, probably a lot more then that, the game will just load in a second and crash to desktop. Usually hear surrounding/radio for half a sec before I'm greeted with desktop. Sometimes it happens mid-loading screen.


I've tried the "Cure-All" on the forums, but no luck. I can never get past step 5.


I've disabled all my mods, and yet my game crashes. I've tried going back to an earlier save, it still crashes. (Speaking of a BUNCH of different saves, Im addicted to saving...) No luck.

Sometimes making a new game and loading main file from there work for some minutes, if even that, until it crashes again.


I've tried reinstalling Fallout 4 (3-4 times total), no luck.

Verifying files on Steam does nothing.


I'm starting to get scared it's my entire save file that is f***ed up, as I have 100 hours + on it.


The mods I've been using is;


Button Lowered Weapons

Armorsmith Extended

Daisy Nukes

Harness Wardrobe

Quieter Settlements

Black MacCready Duster - Black Duster

Functional Wedding Rings - Husband's Ring Strength

Functional Wedding Rings - Wife's Ring - Charisma

Nanosuit 2.5 Standalone Male - Female

Pipers Trench Coat Retextures - Better Pipers Red Trench Coat Hi-Def

The Crimson Shroud

Unlimited Followers

Brighter Settlement Lights

Crafting Workbenches


Simple Intersection

Simple Intersection Homemaker 1.22 Patch

Simple Intersection Combined Mods Version

True Storms: Wasteland Edition

Armor Keywords Community Resource

Black Leather Armor Pieces

Black Synth Armor


Fallout Texture Overhaul PipBoy UHD 4k

RustyXXLs Quick and Dirty CBBE Bodyslide Conversions

Shack Floors Re-Done 4K Bright

The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition - Authors Pick 1


More Guard Posts - Chair, Rug & Stool

Settlements Expanded

Shaikujin's Better Warning for Settlements being attacked

Configurable New Dialog

No dotdotdot

Atom Bomb Pinup Pip-Boy Wallpapers

Darker Nights

Darker Nights for True Storms


I've tried using the Fallout 4 Configuration Tool & LOOT, no use.


My computer specs are;


Intel® Core i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz 370GHz

8GB RAM , 64 Bit

Dual Nvidia GeForce GTX 770


I don't have any Crash log for Fallout 4 (if there exist any other then windows event log? I dont dare mess with adding program to it..)

I did try to enable Papyrus, just to see when it did crash. And it's always the same error before game crashes (the rare times I can play some minutes before crash)




It's always something with "RadioRackSlotScript" and "has no 3d and cannot have an animation played on it."

Always spammed several times on the same second and then crash after.

I do not know if this is somehow involved with cause of crashes, as I'm not that technical/smart enough to understand this :/


Please, I hope anyone here is able to make sense of this, as I love this game to bits, and breaks my heart not being able to explore & build to my hearts content. :sad:

Edited by Fragkitty
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