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Weapon ideas....


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To start off, I know some of the ideas I have are already on the nexus. In every game I purchase I'm always the type that tries to obtain the big HMG's and LMG's asap. That being said. I recently downloaded the PKM weapon from Millenia. Love the weapon.

Bad part is I haven't found many other big LMG's of that quality. (Including my fav belt/drum fed MG the MG42.)

My request/idea, Would be a small LMG Pack. The RPD, MG42, Browning 1919 (Yes the CoD W@W style one), M240 B. With MAYBE an added bonus of the L-39 Lahti 20mm. I know This would be a lot of work. One can dream though.

Edited by reaperessofshadows
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