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.net framework help


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The updated NMM requires 4.6 yet I can't upgrade my .net framework, says that my os(win7) doesn't support 4.6. Tried my hands on the offline installer thinking it was a fault in the web installer but it ended the same way.


I can't access NMM now to change some mods or even remove them. Is there a previous version of NMM that I can use or there's a way in updating to 4.6 because so far the ones I've found said to be solutions end up the same way.

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.Net framework 4.6 is a Microsoft program and is a part of Windows. If you cannot install it that is not something caused by Nexus or NMM. You are having a problem with Windows - probably Windows update.


.Net framework is updated from time to time by Microsoft to add or update features in Windows. It is required for many other programs besides NMM. The current version of NMM requires some of the features in .net to work. That means that without .net NMM will not work and cannot be made to work without the .net framework 4.6 Windows update.


If you are having problems installing Windows updates such as .net framework 4.6 - you need to go to the Windows troubleshooting.

Here is a link to Windows troubleshooting https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/b6bbb62f-6c1b-4e3b-acea-afc584f57a5a/windows-7-update-failed?forum=winserverwsus


The latest .net update needs some other Windows updates before it can be installed. Not having those updates may cause Windows to tell you it is incompatible - It is only incompatible because you don't have the prerequisites already installed. The one that some people seem to be missing is the Win7 Service Pack 1 ( SP1)


Check your Windows update history to see what updates have failed. Failed updates may leave your computer vulnerable to malware. And some malware will block certain updates from installing.

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We know its the windows problem .. its because W7 doesnt support the new version of net framework .. but thats the problem of nexus .. using something which doesnt support "old" versions of windows ..

It supports only W8 and W10 .. but not W7


so it was nexus who screwed it up ..

There needs to be version for old net framework and W7!!

Edited by sh3riff
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All "current" versions of Windows support version 4.6 of the .NET framework just fine. It's native to Win10, but it'll even run on Vista!


From the MS .NET download page (emphasis added):

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 (Web Installer) for Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 SP2 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2


So as bbben said, it's something on your end... :armscrossed:

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