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Anti-materiel Rifle Request


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When playing Fallout 4, there aren't a lot of good long ranged weapons. Or should I say variety of long ranged weapons.

You have the .50 caliber sniper that does less damage than the gauss rifle, without any muzzle modifications, which can do around 220 damage per shot.

The .45 combat rifle upgraded to .308 is Okay, but I use it for short - medium ranged with a suppressor.

I'm not a fan of the laser musket, plasma rifle, and the pipe .50 rifle is a joke compared to the upgraded .308 hunting rifle.

I miss the Anti-materiel Rifle from Fallout New Vegas because it was the only sniper rifle, or long ranged rifle, and mainly while using incendiary rounds or explosive rounds.


I am asking someone, if anyone, can make this fine weapon into Fallout 4 for more diversity of having good ranged sniper rifle.


Anti-materiel rifle, New Vegas:



If anyone can please make it look like the Barrett M99, if you can't try to make it look like the one from Fallout New Vegas from the link above? :)



I thank you so much in advance if anyone can do this. If not thank you for reading for my dream and image of this fine weaponry.

Maybe some day I'll look into modding and try my luck with my own request. I just need to know how to do it and what I should use.

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Most weapon mods increase the weapon dmg of all weapons, especially of the 0.50 caliber weapons.

The problem of implementing "new" weapons is, that you also have to put it into the container files which is realy alot of work. It is possible, but i think there are only few who want to do all the work everytime for each item.

I guess most people are waiting for geck. I wouldnt do it neither because editing the regular sniper rifles is less work.

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